DebtHelpers.ca – Financial Experts on 8 Credit Card Debt Hacks – What to Know
April 9, 2020
4 Tips to Managing Credit Card Date After Losing Your Main Source of Income
April 30, 2020Being frugal doesn’t only mean avoiding designer-brand items or expensive vacations. You also don’t need to be vice-free or addiction-free to commit certain wasteful practices that are a massive waste of money. These practices are often less-noticeable since they’re too small to bother. However, when you make a compilation of the money wasted on these practices, you might be surprised that it could reach hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars.
If you’re in credit card debt, small acts of wasting money don’t help in regaining your financial freedom. Think about the money you could have saved to pay for your debt instead of spending it on trivial stuff. With that said, you need to step-up your game if you want to clear your credit card debt.
Here are four surprising practices where you waste money:
1) Shopping More Items for Free Shipping
Most online retailers give their shoppers a certain amount to meet to avail of their free shipping model. In this instance, you need to supplement an item or two to reach the quota. However, do you need those items? If you do, there’s nothing wrong with adding them. The case is different if you’re merely adding them for the sake of reaching the target. Remember, you can’t perform a successful debt relief if you continue to do so.
2) Eating More Food Than You Can Handle
If you have a lot of leftovers after every meal, you’re not diligently doing your homework on proper food waste management. After all, excellent food waste practices start with preparing any set of food that you can eat in a single sitting.
If you’re cooking home-made meals, you have more significant responsibilities for controlling your food waste compared to restaurants. Food waste in Canada reaches 2.2 million tons annually, which is equivalent to $17 billion worth of food a year. With that amount of money, we can launch a nutritious food donation drive to hunger-stricken countries around the world.
3) Ordering Food Online
While it’s true that takeout is more expensive than home-cooked meals, there is a much more costly option—these are food deliveries booked online. Aside from the additional delivery costs, people tend to order more food when they’re not communicating their orders face to face with another person. The feeling of being judged when you order unhealthy items helps deter people from ordering an enormous quantity of unhealthy food selections. For online orders, there are no judgemental eyes to do that, so you tend to order more than necessary.
4) Adding Miscellaneous Items To Hide Other Purchases
People turn to non-embarrassing purchases to cover the fact that they purchased embarrassing items, such as condoms, dildos, or athlete’s foot medications. However, if you feel the need to buy other miscellaneous items to cover up your other purchases, you’re only wasting your money. Take note that the person in charge of the register doesn’t even know you personally. They had a lot of customers who bought the same things, so the chances are high that they don’t even care.
Most people can relate to the list above since these are everyday unnoticeable habits. Avoiding a multitude of money-wasting practices will save you a ton of money when you add them together. In doing so, you can use the money you save to pay off your debt.
Stressing about your credit card debt problems? Reach out to us today to learn about the most efficient way to become debt-free.