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September 19, 2021Debt is a financial problem that anyone can suffer. While some can fully pay their debts, others can have a problem with it—and often have no means of repaying any. After all, it’s already hard enough to earn money, and the prospect of incurring debt can only make financial matters worse.
Having too much debt can lead to other financial problems, which can lead to detrimental consequences. These include not saving money, missing out on paying bills, and even resorting to borrowing money just to get by.
The best way to be free from debts is by paying or not borrowing money to avoid it in the first place. It also entails a deep acceptance of one’s situation, which can only be possible through objective analysis of the circumstances. Below are some of the signs that debt is piling up.
Having No Clue on How Much is Owed
Hiding from debt doesn’t make it go away. More and more debts may pile up if payments aren’t made. This may also prompt collectors may pursue legal action, leading to even more problems,
To know how much debt is owed, ask for credit reports and account statements. It will state the exact amount of money owed, which can then be used to make a repayment plan.
Making Late Payments
If debt payments are higher than a person’s monthly income, it’s a telltale sign that there’s too much debt. Not having enough money for monthly payments just means that some payments are missed, which accumulates debt. Aside from that, higher interest rates may kick in, further leading to more debt.
Dodging Calls from Collectors Purposely
When debt collectors come calling, it just means that the debt has reached a ridiculously high amount, to the point where it’s unpayable. Yes, it’s possible to dodge the calls, but it’s just an invitation for legal action. If the creditor wins the lawsuit, the borrower will be in trouble in more ways than one.
Borrowing Money to Pay Debts
There’s nothing wrong with borrowing money since it can be paid back depending on the agreement. However, it becomes a problem if a person borrows money to pay debts.
While debts are paid to one creditor, what of the other creditor who gave the loan to the borrower who used it to pay other debts? It just results in another debt. It becomes a vicious cycle and may affect the borrower’s relationship with the people who lent money.
Failing to Save Money
The absence of savings doesn’t necessarily mean that a person has debt. However, it becomes a problem if a person has no savings by paying debts or just making ends meet. Not having access to savings can put a person at risk, especially in a financial emergency.
Needing Credit to Survive
There’s nothing wrong with buying groceries with a credit card, but it’s a problem if a person has to buy groceries with it. A person has to manage finances well to avoid this from ever happening.
Suffering from a Decline in Work Performance
When a person experiences financial hardship, it will eventually affect work performance. This should not happen, especially to a person with debt. Losing a job is the last thing any person with a high amount of debt needs.
High amounts of debt can lead to dire consequences. The good thing is that debts can be paid as long as finances are well managed. Talk with a financial advisor to help manage money, as this might be the only way to avoid further debt burden.
Money should be managed well, and it will become a bigger problem if debts aren’t paid on time. Thankfully, DebtHelpers.ca has debt consultants in Canada that can help ease financial woes. Reach out to learn more.